man in white dress shirt sitting beside woman in black long sleeve shirt

Esperti nell'analisi dei contratti assicurativi

Confronta le migliori offerte e risparmia fino al 20% sui rinnovi.

Chi Siamo

La Pozzi & Partners Srl, Servizi di Consulenza e Gestione assicurativa, è una società di brokeraggio operante nel mercato assicurativo dal 1997 i cui soci provengono da precedenti esperienze professionali in altre società di brokeraggio.

I nostri servizi

Offriamo preventivi per auto, moto e autocarri confrontando le migliori offerte sul mercato.

A busy urban street setting with a motorcycle stopped alongside a white car. A tree is prominently positioned next to a fence, casting shadows across the sidewalk. Motorcyclists wear helmets, hinting at a sense of safety and traffic regulation.
A busy urban street setting with a motorcycle stopped alongside a white car. A tree is prominently positioned next to a fence, casting shadows across the sidewalk. Motorcyclists wear helmets, hinting at a sense of safety and traffic regulation.
A person wearing an orange helmet and jacket is riding a motorcycle. The motorcycle is covered with a large blue protective cloth, and there is a reflective windshield attached to the front. A car is visible on the street, and buildings with green foliage are in the background.
A person wearing an orange helmet and jacket is riding a motorcycle. The motorcycle is covered with a large blue protective cloth, and there is a reflective windshield attached to the front. A car is visible on the street, and buildings with green foliage are in the background.
Preventivi Personalizzati

Confrontiamo le offerte delle compagnie assicurative per garantirti il miglior prezzo possibile.

Sconti Rinnovi

Scopri sconti fino al 20% sui rinnovi assicurativi per risparmiare sulla tua polizza.

gray computer monitor

Contattaci Ora

Richiedi informazioni sui migliori preventivi assicurativi per auto e moto.